The world is full of people who are searching for the best phrases to trademark. They are looking for the best phrases that will help them to promote their brand or products. But, if you are not aware about the process of trademarking a phrase then it is time for you to stop wasting your time and money.
Let Us See The Process Of Trade Marking A Phrase:
1. Choose the right phrase The first step is to choose the perfect phrase that will help you to promote your brand. There are many websites and companies that are offering different services to help you in selecting the perfect phrase.
2. Register the phrase Once you have selected the perfect phrase, you need to register it with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). You can register your phrase by filling the online form.
3. Fill up the forms Once you have registered your phrase, you need to fill up the application forms. You need to fill all the necessary details like name of the company, address, contact details, business description, slogan, etc.
4. Submit the forms After filling all the required details, you need to submit the application forms to the USPTO. It will take 2 to 3 weeks for the application to be approved. Once the approval is done, you will receive a trademark certificate which is valid for 5 years.
5. Pay the fee After getting the approval, you need to pay the fees that are required by the USPTO. The total fees are $275 and it will include the filing fee and the maintenance fee.
6. Promote your brand Once you get the trademark certificate, you can start promoting your brand. You can use the trademark in any way that you want. You can use it in your website, social media pages, ads, etc.
I hope this post will help you to know how to trademark a phrase. If you are a small business owner then this will help you to promote your brand. So, start promoting your brand using the best phrases.