If you are an employee and working in a company then you should know that your company has provided a retirement plan for you. There are many types of retirement plans available in the market like iul, 401k and others. So, which one is better?
There are many companies out there which have their own retirement plan and they also offer different types of plans. But, it is not so easy to choose the best plan for you. In this article, I will discuss iul vs 401k with you.
So, let’s get started.
What is iul?
Iul is a plan that offers fixed monthly amount to the employee. You can easily calculate the amount of your monthly income by using a calculator. But, this type of plan is only for the employees who are having a fixed salary.
When it comes to the retirement plan, the employer has two options to offer. One is an annuity which provides a fixed monthly amount to the employee and the other one is a lump sum. If the employee wants a lump sum then they have to pay the employer directly.

If the employee doesn’t want the lump sum then they can choose an annuity. So, there are many benefits of choosing an annuity over a lump sum.
What is 401k?
401k is a retirement plan which is offered by the employer to the employee. It is a tax-deferred plan. So, if you are saving money in your 401k account then it will be saved as a tax-free amount.
So, if you are saving money in your 401k account then it will be deducted from your gross income. The employer will also provide matching amount to the employee.
So, now we have discussed iul vs 401k. You must have understood that iul is a fixed amount whereas 401k is a tax-deferred plan. So, which one should you choose?
If you want a fixed amount then you should choose iul but if you want to save money in a tax-free manner then you should choose 401k.
In this article, I have discussed the differences between iul and 401k. I know that most of you will have some confusion on choosing an appropriate plan. So, I have shared with you some effective tips for choosing the right retirement plan.